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New call for Research Professors

New call for Research Professors

The Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) is pleased to announce the launch of a new call for Research Professors. Of the 29 positions offered, five go to the Cajal International Neuroscience Center (CINC) in the research areas...

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Job offer: veterinarians and technicians

Job offer: veterinarians and technicians

In view of the start-up of the Cajal International Neuroscience Centre (CINC), scheduled for the first quarter of 2022, we are looking for accredited veterinarians and technicians, with at least two years' experience in animal facilities under barrier conditions, to...

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El cerebro, última frontera

El cerebro, última frontera

Lo escribió Ramón y Cajal: "solo el conocimiento exacto de la textura del sistema nervioso nos permitirá descubrir el cauce material del pensamiento y la voluntad, sorprender la historia íntima de la vida en su eterno duelo con las energías externas". Somos nuestro...

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