About CINC

Looking forward to the future


The Cajal International Neuroscience Center (CINC) is the ambitious project of CSIC to establish a leading international research center, with the clear commitment to carry out excellent, competitive and innovative research, to promote collaboration between the best national and international groups in new projects, and to attract the private and public sector so that the results reach society. The word “International” is unavoidable and clearly indicates the dimension and importance of the project. Moreover, Spain is recognized worldwide through Neuroscience, not only because Santiago Ramón y Cajal is considered the founder of modern Neuroscience, but also because the level of Spanish Neuroscience is above European standards. The long Spanish tradition in Neuroscience should not only be maintained, but also strengthened to contribute to improving the country’s visibility in the world.

Although the CINC is born as a CSIC center, it should move towards an autonomous model of management and organization. Direct management of budgetary resources is highly recommended, and the autonomy and flexibility of governance is essential to attract talent and excellence. Periodic and independent evaluation of scientific activity will be a key operational piece of functioning, with staff not based on the civil service model, since the continuous renewal of persons and ideas is essential.

Common facilities and technological platforms, in particular the animal facility, will be of the highest level available, and will comply with the legal requirements that are commonly applied in pharmaceutical companies for research with therapeutic objectives. The Center of Interdisciplinary Investigations of Alcalá (CI2A) will coordinate the technical platforms including Molecular and Cell Biology, Omics, Bioinformatics, Cell Cultures, Cell Imaging, fMRi, Animal Facility and Electro-mechanical Workshop. In addition, the center will count with common services of Administration and Management, Knowledge Transfer and Innovation, Communication and Science Dissemination, Internationalization, and Training and Educational Coordination.